How to create a meter

When creating a new business, you will be automatically guided in creating your first building and meter.

If you have already created your businesses, there are two ways for adding meters:

  1. Add manually, one by one
  2. Upload in bulk

Important: before creating a meter, make sure to create the meter's building.

Manually creating a single meter

  1. go to "Settings > Impacts > Select your impact > Add meter"
  2. a 'new meter' page will open
  3. in the 'Import consumption or half-hourly data', say if you are adding consumption or half-hourly meter readings. Note: skip this if you are going to register simple meter readings
  4. add any suggested data (see here below)
  5. finally, press save at the end of the page

Creating multiple meters in bulk

  1. go to "Settings > Impacts > Select your impact > Import meters"
  2. the 'import meters' page will open
  3. download the template available on this page
  4. open the template using Microsoft Excel
  5. add the required data (see here below). note: in column "J, Reading type", use "Consumption" if you are going to add usage (e.g. kWh) data (this applies also for half-hourly kWh data).
  6. add any suggested data (see here below)
  7. save your Excel file
  8. return to the Pilio 'import meters' page
  9. click on the 'upload file' icon
  10. finally, press 'submit'

Information needed to create a meter Required:

  • Meter name (this must be unique)
  • Building
  • Meter type (e.g. electricity)
  • Meter unit (e.g. kWh)
  • Category (e.g. mains or submeter)


  • MPAN (the point of supply unique identifier. This can change from nation to nation.)
  • Serial Number
  • Group name (to assign a meter to a group, first create a group)
  • Tag name (to assign a meter to a tag, first create a tag)
  • Description (e.g. where the meter is located, what it is supplying etc.)

Tips when creating a meter

  • Make sure that you have selected the correct meter unit.
  • Ignore the "Import consumption or half-hourly data" if you are going to take meter readings.
  • Else, if you are willing to import actual consumption data or half-hourly data from a smart meter:
  • click on "consumption data" if you are sent kWh data from your energy supplier/data collector, else
  • click on "meter readings" if you are sent meter readings.
  • Please note that the "Automatically import data through the FTP" option is not available for domestic users.
  • Importing consumption data has pros and cons: please check this page for more info.