About the accuracy of results

The more data entered into Pilio, the more accurate results will be.

This means that regular weekly readings are suggested.

If you have recorded previous months' (or years') meter readings then these can be uploaded too, even if you didn’t have a Pilio account at the time. The easiest way to upload a large amount of data is to import meter readings. (see FAQs on importing meter readings).

If data is missing for several weeks then Pilio will estimate the average monthly, weekly and daily consumption between the last and most recent reading.

It is also important to fill out as much of your building’s profile as accurately as possible; the more Pilio knows about the building (the type of building, what it is used for, what insulation it has etc) the more your results will be tailored for your building.
- Building type and floor area are required to calculate the indicative A-G energy performance rating.
- Indicating the UK weather station closest to your building is needed for Pilio to calculate the heating efficiency of your building.

Summary: Upload regular weekly meter readings. Fill out the building’s profile as much as possible.