Setting a carbon Target and carbon & energy reduction Budgets

By setting (science-based) targets, companies commit to taking meaningful actions to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to global climate action. A great approach to setting targets is by using the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

The SBTi provides a framework and methodology for setting science-based targets (SBTs), which are specific emission reduction goals that align with the goals of the Paris Agreement. 

The SBTi covers emissions from a company's operations (Scope 1 emissions), emissions from purchased electricity and heat (Scope 2 emissions), and emissions from the value chain (Scope 3 emissions). This comprehensive approach encourages companies to consider and address emissions throughout their entire value chain, including suppliers, customers, and end-users.

Pilio can help you in setting these targets for you.

Have you already set your targets for carbon and energy reduction? Then follow the steps below to add them to the Pilio tool!

What is the difference between a target and a budget in Pilio?

We define a carbon target as a long-term goal that your company has set to achieve. This is unique.

A budget, instead, is what you need to use to achieve that target. You can have multiple budgets, but a maximum of one per year. You can have budgets for both carbon, energy, and water!

How to add a Target and Budgets

To add a Target and Budgets, go to "Settings > Setting targets".

If you haven't created your target yet, you'll be automatically prompted to create one.

To set a Target:

  1. Select your impact area
  2. Set your annual baseline
  3. Set your target year and reduction in %; the software will calculate your target for you.

To set a Budget:

  1. Select your impact area
  2. Select your impact scope
  3. Set your comparison year
  4. Set your current year's budget