Bulk importing meter readings manually

To bulk import multiple readings for a meter you can go to: Data > Import Data.

If you are importing data using the single meter importer, you can optionally select the building to filter your meters list (helpful for when you have a large number of meters).

You then select the file you want to import by clicking on the "Upload" icon. Then click on "Submit" and your readings will be saved in Pilio. You will get a success notification once this is successfully completed.

It is important that you import the meter readings in the correct format.

If you are importing consumption data (NOT meter readings) make sure that you have selected 'import consumption data' in the meter's profile.

Read our guides on formatting the import files for:

Before you import the data, it is imperative that the quality of the data is checked:

  • if there are any issues with the data format, you will receive a ‘sorry, something went wrong' message and the data will not be uploaded.
  • if there are no issues with the data format but with the data itself, the data will be uploaded but the results will look odd.

Use these tips to check your data:

  • it is easier to have your dates sorted by the most recent first
  • dates with no reading and vice versa must be removed.
  • only one reading for each date
  • readings must be incremental (i.e. each reading should be bigger than the previous one - except for when there is a meter rollover or you're importing consumption data)
  • look out for typos that make the reading less than the previous week
  • if there has been a meter change or replacement, a new meter needs to be created in Pilio.